
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Netball 3 on 3

This time the tournament for
netball 3 on 3 takes place in Stadium SultanIbrahim Muar

Di suatu pagi yang nyaman serta indah,
kami telah berjaya menjejakkan kaki ke stadium tersebut
why there was nobody who seem to participate in the tournament?
 like the crickets' sound *krik...krik..krik*

First, we took the picture together

Sementara menunggu tiang netball di dirikan, pengadil datang, bla bla bla
kitorang pon joined some of the sukaneka games yang ada
such as bowling padang, isi air dalam botol, dan bawa guli guna sudu

Sukaneka bawa guli guna sudu
Ready untuk senaman mulut semua!!!

All of this is ours
First price : rice cooker
Second price : Blender
Third  price : Iron
Forth price : Hamper

FYI, this is mine
yeahh me!

 Blender oh blender
Jenama Pensonic pon hebat apa, 
quite similar to jenama Panasonic tuh. hahha

Then the tournament started at 11 a.m gituh

Second place as always ;)

Okay, let's take pictures

Again with kak G

with winning moneysssss
*take note, banyak "sssss" nak tunjuk "banyak duit dapat*

Petang pulak, artis ada datang untuk friendly game
Nampak tak di situ ada, Adira af, Saidah (adik Dato' Siti Nurhaliza), Ani Mayuni, Maya
and so on
Hebat jugak mereka nih
Artis lelaki also ada, tak sempat je nak take picture
like Radhi OAG, Jepp Sepah, and so on

That night, there was a concert under Barisan Nasional

dapat baju pink BN lagi

 Ini emcee
Antara artis yang datang membuat persembahan :

Ain AF 

 Black Mentor

At the end of his performance,
Black: Sokong siapa?
Crowd:  BN...!
Black: Malaysia?
Crowd: Boleh...!
Black: Black?
Crowd : Hitam...!
Black : (while referring to the someone in the crowd)
eh, kau pon hitam jugak, aku nama je Black,
 tapi dah putih sikit. ahhaha

*funny giler*


After that, got lucky draw
but, unluckily we were not the lucky one
hadiahnya kemain lagi
Ipad, motor modenas, oven, samsung young and bla bla bla


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Eleven something

Hooolllllaaaa!!! (“,)
I have been tagged
by my blogger friend!


1- Post this rules
2- Write 11 things about yourself
3- Answer the question the tagger set for you
4- Create 11 new questions for the people who you tagged to answer
5- Choose 11 blogger to tag and link them on the post
6- NO TAG BACK okay

Okay, now 11 things about

Me, myself, cikkawa

1.    I like to TALK very much
(even my classmates had said “ko tak penat ke wa cakap dari tadi?”..haha)

   2. Easy to mingle with everyone no matter what is their age especially budak kecik. Love to make everyone near me to SMILE (^_^)v
(I even chosen to be a favourite auntie of my two nieces. ahakss

   3. My hobby is PLAYING SPORTS like netball, handball and what so ever
(right now, I am actively involved in netball tournament as I am a team member in the STARTEAM group)

4.    I love to ACT because I free to be whoever I like
(Iagi2 watak yang evil, princess and gedik gituh)

5.    Like to listen to all genres of music especially a WEIRD song.
Ahaha just name it ;D

   6. I used to CRY when something I don’t like happened in my life, sad story or get hurt somewhere
(when I am crying, people asking what is going on and I will started to burst my tears even more. So, don’t ask)

   7. I am going to tell a secret that I am really... really... really...
    not a sabahan, sarawakian, or even Kelantan people
(I just love to imitate their way in pronouncing the word when they are talking)

   8. Muka buku yang tegar not ulat buku or ulat bulu ;)

  9.  Watching movies really cikkawa’s favourite activity especially Korea
(Believe it or not..I can finish watching it in a speed of light ;P)

10.     Cikkawa loves to do things in a group
(many ideas will come out because two head is better than one)

11.    Prefer to eat fried chicken and egg rather than fish because so many duri inside it.


My answer for all my friend si Purple_forte punya soalan
*apa lagi, press lah keyboard tuh jawab*

1. macam mana anda boleh follow blog saya?
apa yang syioknya pasal ni?

=oh..forget already sebab apa...(sorry)
Nice entry (keep it up) ;)

2. ada maen twitter tak? maila share tweet anda :)

= Aigoo...twitterrrrr?
#I don’t have it YET(if ada I inform ok)
 “tiada twitterku mao tweet2 sama kau
FB je yang ada boleh chat sama2”
(nyanyi mcm lagu anak kampong)

3. adakah anda merasakan aktiviti sentap menyentap itu sedap?
apa rasanya?

Waduhh3.. aktiviti ini emangnya tidak manis! lagian ia melibatkan ramai pihak di dalamnya
Tapinya saya sering jugak tiada melakukan perihal itu
Sebaiknya saya mohon supaya aktiviti SENTAP MAKkk NAH ini berlanjutan
Tidak lagi ada dalam diri kita sekalian.
Moga-moga hendaknya
 (ada macam orang indon sedang berbicara enggak?)

4. adakah anda jeles dengan orang kidal?
cikgu maths saya jeles dengan saya ok :p

= Double Yes!
I think golongan kidal ini unique and terer in math gituh
I pernah jugak nak tulis using my left hand tapi
Turn out,,,my handwriting jadi so + much + very buruk
(so, just bersyukur dengan pemberian yang ada,
Pastinya ada hikmah disebaliknya)

5. adakah anda jenis yang pendam kemarahan,perasaan
dan perkara berkaitan?

=The answer is TRIPLE YES!
(or maybe thousands I may say?)
I am really not a straightforward kind of person
Just do not have the “courage” to say it to the individual perhaps...
Tett...tett..tett... (tak berniat untuk bercerita lebih lanjut)

6. saya benci menunggu, anda bagaimana?
berapakah tahap kesabaran anda?

=Absolutely agree about this statement!!!
Dah tau diri tuh dah lambat, cepat-cepatkan langkah tuh and seriously
Don’t pandai-pandai MAKE PROMISES lagi 10 minit sampai then...
Bla...bla...bla, 1 jam kemudian baru nampak batang hidung
(I pon pernah terlambat, BUT I try my best to not let the person to wait for quite some time. Truly sorry deeply from the bottom of my heart to SEMUA YANG PERNAH MENUNGGU ku selama ini)
If daripada 10marks I can give myself 9/10
(I pernah waited for a person until 3 hours! Can you imagine that?)

7. ada binatang peliharaan/pet? apakah makhluk itu?
*sayangilah makhluk ciptaan-Nya ya para bloggers dan readers :)

= Di zaman dulu kala pernahlah. I bela IKAN PAUS LAGA.
Siap ada nama tau. *Kent* yes.. Kent nama diberi olehku.
Ianya tak lah terjadi like fairy tales yang ada happily ever after because not long after that, my ikan laga “dilagakan” with someone who is not so bertangjungjawab... habis ekor dia yang cantik tuh like di gigit tikus.
Surprise... Surprise...I pon sendiri tak sangka
Sob..sob..sob (-_-)

8. pernah rasa macam nak rogol/belasahsampaimati or perkara yang berkaitan terhadap seseorang?
apakah sebabnya rasa macam itu?

=Of cause pernah! But not lah belasah sampai mati
When “she” planned the things and asked me to follow, but in the end “she” changed a plan without me knowing it then pretends like nothing ever happen
Double seriously sakit hati yang teramat sangat.
(tak naklah cerita siapakah gerangannya itu, like I said before that
“I am really not a straightforward kind of person”

9. suara saya orang kata buruk (ok fine,memangpun-_-)
so how about yours? your favourite song?

=we are in the same boat
Maybe kita boleh nyanyi lagu duet entitle “kita serupa”
Suara cikkawa ni memang agak sedikit ke laut, even ke darat and udara

10. anda gemar orang tinggi,rendah atau
lebih kurang sama tinggi dengan anda?

= semua saya gemar (jawapan selamat gituh)

11. eh best sangat ke maen blog ini?
apalah faedahnya pun maen blog?

= best sangat when I rasa so boring like right now

Sebab tuh lah baru teringat nak jawab all the question above
Faedahnya dapat luahkan and cerita all what I had been through in my life

11 new questions that have created as follow:

1.    I love myself. Do you love me... is not the real question here....ehhee
Do you think I am a good friend? How about my character?

2.    Second question is, How do you think of my blog?
NICE or NICE? *don’t you dare to answer “or” hahha

3.    What is your azam for this year?
For me, I just want to change and be better a better person than the previous year :D

4.    Teasing people around boleh merapatkan your relationship with others or not? As for me is Thousand YES! Do you think so?

5.    Love to watch concert, game bola, wayang or so on in
a)    Live depan mata
b)    Dalam tv / dvd suda
c)    Better tak yah tengokla
d)    Semua di atas

6.    Pernah rasa puas dengan semua gadget yang korang ada?
Nak tambah collections lain?

7.    Have all these?
Pesbuk (muka buku), twitterrrrr, myspace, instagram, viber, skype, whatssap or others? Want to share a link, be friend, or be follow by me?

8.    What is your favourite song? Why is it become your favourite song?
Is it because the meaning of the lyrics or the singer that you like?

9.     What do you feel when the person that you like is falling in love with someone else? Want to let he/she go or try to win his/her heart back?

10. What should I post in my next and next and next entry?
*dah takde idea apa benda nak tanya actually*

11. After baca semua soalan plus jawapan in this entry rasa macam nak repeat jawab soalan SPM ke nak SPAM je blog nih...? muahhaha

Tired suda nih menekan papan kekunci ini

This is not a death note ok
We have 11 actually  7 only the lucky blogges
Dengan segala hormatnya di minta untuk menjawab segala
Soalan yang terpahat di entry ini
Sudi sudikan dirilah ye
Peace yaww

Zima hazimah
Myra amran
Mon mon
Vivian kwon
siti saidah

tak cukup lagi... siapa nak join boleh je


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Topi empat segi I_I

Tak perlu kata apa -apa
bacalah sendiri picture below 

 You all know right...
what I'm trying to say???
nice ;)

 My little sister, Aimifitri binti Kapi
dah graduate ko, aimi... your sister nih pon belum merasa 
pakai topi empat segi tuh...muahhaha 


This is Ecah, kawan si aimi nih
with segulung ijazah

 Nak jugak kau aimi 
Ok,,say chesseeeeee...........!!!

Lets take picture together233445
Half only your face ecah,,padan mukaaa 
muahahha *evil laugh*

Majukla cengini
 Dah ko aimi...aku pulak sorang2 in the picture

Ok.. ok..ok..
now is the picture both of us
* Kata kejuuuuuu*

Lastly, got cabutan bertuah 
the lucky one
like seriously we didn't win?

Its okay, next time maybe
Btw, congratulation aimi
semoga sukses hingga ke menara gading

Girlsss outing...

Before examinations end also went out 
kununnya nak release tension 
kunun laaa..hahaha

Inside Jonny restaurant, BP

Like always take2 pictures dulu
tuh wajib ok

who do you suppose to be Siti (second from right) ...
muahahha ;P

 ok,,chefssss sekalian
what do we have here for dinner?
only vegetable?

 Oh,,now i get it..
the menu is steamboat
nice n nyummy

ok,,the other foods were not sempat tuh snap

enough about that
then, after the examination ends...
we went to square one BP

The race between siti and nadia
the winner is me...
of course not
siti the great driver (*_*)

 Makan di McD
like always...
pictures time !!!

Nadia aidan with straw janggut 

Rusydah in pertandingan
minum sampai habis...
amek kau...ahhaha

Now my time
Feel chok cross (Running man fan)

orang nampak tuh
we are in public...
you better watch out ;)

No need to laugh2 sangatla 
saidah or said (nickname)

Now, window shopping
 Same colour with your cloth ...
pink colour uuuu...

 Dulu dan kini saiz seluar

 Pilih2 je..

 Ni bukan window shopping lagi
Sit shopping nih,,hahah
tak ramai customers lah katakan
only us

 Finally, siti shopping betul2 brought 2 clothes
Look like mak rindu anak pon ada minah sorang nih

 apa lagi budak nih
pity the horse

tuti futi?
dirty fruity?
tuti titi tata?

 Tutti fruity laa

<love you guys
oppss.. i mean girlssss
see you all next semester (^_^)vv

Monday, November 26, 2012

Super Bola Baling

Semester 2 Degree
at IPG Batu Pahat

Girl team
Boy Team

Before the game started
recite prayer first
"Ya Allah, permudahkanlah urusan kami"
YAKIN with the prayer we made will be MAKBUL
insyaaAllah ;)
Finally, the girl team WIN
got first place 
so UNsangkaABLE
with 2 days practice we can win this
alhamdulillah ;)
Peace yaww..
smile with gold medal 
with all the classmate
<3 this moment
then we went to KFC to celebrate (^_^)v